My dad in a jeep in Korea - 1947

Read also:

My first bike 1971

Me and my uncle in Chicago, summer 1971. This core memory is where my lifelong love of motorcycles began. I was about 6 months old.


With Mom—1988

Straight outta Heathers.


Rick Astley, circa 1987


Robert De Niro with Martin Scorsese’s mother, Catherine Scorsese on the set of Goodfellas, 1990


Mr. Miyagi (Pat Morita) goofing around with the Cobra Kai gang on the set of 'The Karate Kid'. 1984


When my wife was a kid, she met Steven Spielberg. Circa 1996


Cleveland, 1930s


Red Cloud of the Oglala Lakota - Circa 1900s

"They made us many promises, more than I can remember, but they never kept but one: they promised to take our land and they took it." - Red Cloud Read more [here.](


Young Brigitte Bardot dancing on the roof in 1952


Chief Gall (Phizí) of the Hunkpapa Lakota at Standing Rock Reservation, North Dakota - Circa 1880s [591×707]

"I went to your great city [Washington D.C.] and saw many people. Some had fine clothes and diamonds; others were barefoot and ragged. No money to get something to eat. They are beggars, and need your help more than the Indian does. I gave them the money you gave me. All people are alike among Indians. We feed our poor." Read more [here.](
