Terrified of bugs and I sprayed this thing in my window what is it?

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hi what is this i hate it?

i’m in socal and there’s been spiders in my neighborhood making *giant* webs (like 3x3 feet if i had to guess, dunno if that’s big for people who deal with spiders more often lol). i’ve found a couple webs right near my dads house but i found one on his house for the first time today. this guy was like an inch long leg to leg, maybe a little more. i really don’t love them existing near me but my main concern is if they’re dangerous. i saw it hiding in his porch light tonight and i plan to stay the hell away from them regardless but it would be good to know how harmful they are. thank you in advance


Horse Fly? Found at my college campus in Southern Ontario. Big guy.


PNW Bug?

Who's the new homie? Seattle, WA.


Western Tiger Swallowtail

Took this photo when I was in Cali last summer, forgot to share it.


Seattle area, some type or hornet I think


Found this hanging out by my door

Looks like a beetle of some kind.


What kind of spider is this (Southern California)

I got it into a cup and let it outside


this hellspawn was on my bed…?? help?? (michigan)


Found in my grandparents bathroom

Y’all what the fuck is this nightmare fuel I found post-midnight in my grandparents bathroom?! It’s like a daddy long legs centipede


Found in North Puerto Rico. I'm so confused??

You'd think it would be easy to ID this since I see lil critters similar to this one all the time, but my boyfriend and I cannot figure it out. It looks like a kind of beetle, very similar to a striped cucumber beetle or an elm leaf beetle, but I don't think they even live here and it's still different. Then we thought it might be some kind of long horn beetle similar to a chlorida festiva, but that doesn't really match either?? Then I had a lightbulb moment, literally, and thought it might be a kind of lighting bug, but can't find one thay looks like that. Honorable (but not accurate) mentions include soldier beetles and blister beetles. Pls help. I can't sleep til I find out what kind of friend landed on top of my cheese dip.
