How to introduce baby bro?

In October our 1.5 y/o Okarian (not fixed) will be getting a 10-week-old Golden baby brother. Right now he is a spoiled only child. He is extremely attached to me as his mommy who has always worked from home. Any tips for introduction with the new baby and ensuring all goes smoothly, and that he doesn't feel left out or that we are replacing him??? If you have 2 boys I would love to hear your story and see pictures!

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Pretty girl


He is beauty he is grace


My first Golden Retriever 🥹(8 weeks old)


New to the group this is our boy Enzo he is our 6th goldie


Sunshine Twinkie Girl 💛💝⭐️


Hi all this is our boy Enzo. What are all your Goldie's names


I’d like to thank the robo vac for our (mostly) pet hair free tiles 🙏.


They set their sub to private now 😂🤣

I keep getting replies on my comments, but they blocked me from being able to see their page or reply back. So now my alerts are getting filled up by whining douche bags labeling me with every slur they have for anyone left of insanity. Poor things have only that to resort to in order to make themselves feel better 😂 Hope they got the waders out, by the sounds of all this crying, the rivers' gunna be flowing mighty high this evening 🤣


Democrats support House Oversight and Accountability Committee pushing for the business dealings of Trump’s family to be investigated with the same vigor as Republicans for Biden’s family


His mother must be "Proud"
