A 16th century German 'oath skull' (a human skull on which defendants swore their oath in Vehmic courts) engraved with the 'magical' Roman 'Sator square', mysterious palindromic word-squares found across the Roman world, comprising the words SATOR, AREPO, TENET, OPERA, ROTAS [1185x913]

Read also:

A head of a man made of lumachella orientale marble filled with fossilised shells. The main ancient quarries for lumachella orientale are located near Thuburbo Majus in modern day Tunisia. Greek or Roman, late Hellenistic or early Imperial, 1st century BCE-1st century CE [2583x3672]


Detail of a lararium (small shrine for the household gods) from the House of the Wooden Shrine in Herculaneum, Italy,1st century CE [2864x2811]


Vespasiano I Gonzaga's pendant recognising his membership of the Chivalrous Order of the Golden Fleece (1585, Sabbioneta) [4160 x 6240]


Ancient Baoli at Brahmani. Maharashtra, India. Possibly 10th-12th cent. CE. [1635x1963]


The ruins of the Castro of Santa Trega [or Santa Tecla]. A Galician [Castro-Roman] fort during the Romanization period, but with main elements of the Castro culture; with characteristic circular dwellings. A Guarda, Galicia, NW Spain, mainly 1st c. BCE - 1st c. CE [1600 x 900]


Great Roman mosaic showing a lion. The object was discovered in central Italy (the city of Teramo) and is believed to come from the times of the empire. [1200x1216]


Marble Statue Group of the Three Graces Roman 2nd century CE [4000x3333] [NSFW] [OS]


Thanks Jesus


How about this?


Please somebody explain…

Why does it look like this? 🤔 I’m no plumber but this doesn’t look right to me. How would you fix it / clean it up?
