My 2nd dog ate 🔋 batteries

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Ball obsession and jumping up

My Labrador turns one next week. For the past 3 months it’s become clear that he has become obsessed with balls or a stick, or just anything he can chase and catch. We tried to curb this obsession by not taking a ball on a walk, but it just means that he goes wild as soon as he see’s another dog playing with one. We’ve since started taking a ball again but using it in moderation, making him sit before it’s thrown and saying “finished” when we put it away in an attempt to get him to switch off and go back to sniffing and exploring. The biggest issue is he wants to take anything that looks like it might be thrown for him, including when he sees a stranger picking something up from the floor or taking something out of a bag. Today my wife took him on a walk and he leapt (all four feet off the floor and almost somersaulting) to take an acorn out of an old woman’s hand. He does try this with us on occasion too when he’s trying to get something that is about to be thrown. When he has a ball he is less frantic and listens to us better, will come back when called instead of charging over to other dogs, but he is also less interested in the world. I feel like we are probably just making life harder for ourselves by trying to stop him having a ball all the time, but also don’t want him to escalate his behaviour so that he is badly behaved with the ball. If anyone has experienced similar things and has advice I’d love to hear from you. As he is such an energetic dog, keeping him on the lead is not really an option. We try to avoid situations when he know he will be overstimulated, but with the acorn incident earlier today it’s clear that something has to change before he injured either himself or someone else.


Help me figure out what’s wrong with my moms doodle please

Hi. So this is my mom’s dog and he is an old English sheep dog standard poodle cross. Please don’t come at me because I tried to educate my parents on doodles, but this was after they had already gotten one, and they have committed to not getting one again so there’s that.. anyway I’m going to love the dog we have and right now we need some help so please don’t pass judgment and hate onto our situation if you really hate doodles, just scroll on past. Ok here goes. So our dog was already shaved when he arrived at the groomer, he was about an inch long hair all over. He was booked for a bath and come out with a sanitary trim. They accidentally had a mixup and shaved him on a number 10. We immediately noticed some dark spots all over his back in butt area. Being a doodle he does have some skin problems because he’s not the best bread boy… but this is something completely different. I’ve never seen dark spots like this, and he honestly looks like a leopard. We took him to the vet and they said it was just the hair growth cycle and that we shaved him too short. (Again not our choice.) Now we are at a week later., these dark spots have started to lose their hair. My dog has become bald all over and we made the mistake of taking him for a regular walk in the bald spots are now sunburned. I feel like a horrible dog owner even though he’s my mom’s dog and I’m trying to help her best figure out how to cure this horrible situation. We’ve got him a shirt and he’s currently wearing that 24 seven and we have another vet appointment for Monday. Coconut oil seems to see what his skin and help a little bit. I will add that he also has really dirty ears all the time, and I can only describe it as an excess of wax . The veterinarian gave us an ear wash and told us to use it once a week which we do and the groomer regularly plucks ears. I just say this because I know that it may be related.. Anyway, if you have any ideas on what’s going on with my moms dog, please let me know. I don’t know if it’s related to just the shaving or if his hair will ever even grow back. He’s honestly a really sweet dog for a doodle and I love him a lot even without the hair.


Skin fold dermatitis- I'm out of ideas

My 6 year old Lab cross Benny has had skin fold dermatitis under his lip for nearly a year now. His vet and I have tried steroids, medicated creams, teeth cleaning, treating his water, antibiotics. I dry and clean the wound every day. He just scratches it and makes it bleed all over again. Vet says next step is surgery. Before we go there I thought I would ask others what they did. Can anyone help?


Massive cyst (?) on dog’s hind leg

Hi! My mom’s Japanese Chin has had some type of tumour or cyst on his hind leg with a small hole in it for a couple years now. It’s grown it’s max size, it’s hard and we can squeeze it with absolutely no reaction. It used to bleed and ooze but hasn’t for probably 1 year+. What could this be? I can’t find anything similar on Google. He is 15. He doesn’t limp or anything from it. Thanks❤️


dog has done size lump on inner back leg

My 11 year old boston terrier has this new bump i just noticed. no other symptoms. just the one bump with a smaller harder bump inside of it. i don’t know if i should get it checked.


Remember this?


I sense a disturbance


Old age should burn at close of day


That look you make when he poops his pants and his stank hits you in the eye....


I'm a little nervous
