She’s insisting that I hold her and if I put her down she comes back and makes a ruckus until I hold her. Is she sick? Pregnant?

Read also:

My indoor cat bit me(the small red spot). He bit me last year too and I got vaccinated for rabies and a couple of other stuff too in may 2022. I don’t think the bite really broke my skin as it was pretty light. Should I go the doctor ?


How can I get prescription flea medicine for my girl?

First time cat owner here. My baby was a stray and I have found flea dirt on her. This could be a dumb question, but do I take her to the vet immediately, or would she be contagious to the other pets there? I have read to NOT get flea medicine from stores, and to only get prescription. Is there a way to get the prescription. meds and give her a bath, or would you recommend going to the vet immediately? I love her very much and want to give her the best care that I can!


Help with cat.

I awoke this morning to seeing two cat poops outside my toilet door. I cleaned both up they were wet but no blood, now I come back and see this with extreme load of blood of poop. Yes I am taking my cat to the vet but does anyone have any idea what is causing this?


My cat removes his fur?

Random bald spot on him, caught him doing this for the 3rd time


What kind of cat do I have?

First, I’ve never seen a cat this type of sandy beige color. Plus she has this pattern that looks like wood grain? like a big circle surrounded by other half circles. I looked it up and it said Sokoke cats have the same pattern but there’s allegedly less than 100 in the world, and i’m in America not near where Sokokes originate. Is she just a special orange tabby?


Went to my Mom's house and found her cat in this state

(Tagged NSFW simply due to the image of her injury, it looks REALLY bad). I went over to my Mom's house to pick up something she had for me and when I go in to play with her cats, I see one of them and. Immediately I noticed the sore/spot/wound/etc. I'm immediately like "HEY no what the fuck happened to her" and she says it must've happened in the last few days but. Jesus fucking Christ. We already had the "okay you need to get this cat a vet. NOW" talk and she's chatting with vet. Emergency care, but does anyone have any idea what the fuck this is? And if there's anything we can do for her before she's seen? The spot is like one of her lower nipples, I think? Around that area. She's always had skin problems but this is totally terrible.


Why does my cat have a clear drip coming from her nose?

You can’t see it that well in the pictures, but Everything seems perfectly fine besides the clear drip coming from her nose. She was literally making biscuits in the pictures I took. Her appetite is normal, her breathing sounds normal, everything seems good but I’ve never seen her drip from her nose before in the 3 years I’ve had her.


Does this look like she has pulled a stitch? TW: blood

Hey there! My cat Jinny was neutered last week, and she developed an abscess and had to be put under anesthesia again and opened back up to clean it. She will NOT let us put a cone or a cover-up on her, she will scratch, howl, and squirm so much that it does her more harm than good, and she is usually pretty good at not licking the area. We are keeping her separate from her kitten (he's 11 weeks and completely weaned) so that they cannot play and/or chase each other. During a supervised visit, she started running and we immediately separated them and put them in separate rooms. I noticed she has a little bit of blood at the incision, and am wondering if you guys think she may have pulled a stitch? We have her post-surgery check-up tomorrow at the vet, so obviously they will check her out then. I'm just asking for advice in the meantime! Thanks


Why does my cat have a clear drip coming from her nose?

You can’t see it that well in the pictures, but Everything seems perfectly fine besides the clear drip coming from her nose. She was literally making biscuits in the pictures I took. Her appetite is normal, her breathing sounds normal, everything seems good but I’ve never seen her drip from her nose before in the 3 years I’ve had her.


Kitty asthma/inhaler

Apparently my cat has asthma and I'm getting him an inhaler! I just ordered an Aerokat. Does anybody have any advice or tips?
