Guilt tripping me into buying promotions

I have a public profile because I like sharing my nature and archeology photos with everyone. Unfortunately, I often (basically every picture I post) get contacted by orgs trying to scam me for a "promotion". This one is the first to try and guilt trip me. And not very subtle at that lol

Read also:

Don't buy Hulu with an existing disney account.

Chat completely stopped working after this.


🎶 I got it at Ross 🎶

Ross is so concerned with getting stolen from that they're ruining the products for the people who actually buy them. Rubbing alcohol will take care of this, but there was already a sticker on the back of this thing; how absolutely necessary was it to throw a second tear-apart sticker onto the mirror itself?


Jimmy Buffet has moved on to Paradise 🧉

Thanks for the fun memories. Fins-Up 🦈


The average french parking


I’ve been staring at this thing for twenty minutes. Cannot see the fifth difference between these pictures.

Window Plant Jack’s Foot Money Bag Not sure if there is a fifth.


One bag, three sections.


Why don't they fill it to the top?

I know they're reducing sizes of stuff to make it seem affordable... But there's a full gin and tonic missing from both unopened bottles. Liberties I tell thee.


Hotel wall


'10 pack' packaging that didn't follow shrinkflation that it's contents did

There are 10 rolls, but theres clearly space for 2 extra and if I'm not mistaken there used to be 12 packs? Also the head room shows how little chocolate is actually left lmao


Maybe I should stop being so cheap?
