Business Innovation Center in Osaka

Can someone help out with the architect name?

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Can someone edit this picture for me please? Unfortunately cannot tip. (Sorry)


Remove my brother (right) and the bags/shirts on the rocks. I'm the guy on the left.


Hi Everyone. I’d like to fly up more than my initial jump to scare our dad. If its possible to also enhance myself because I look blurry due to the jump. Much appreciated.


Could anyone make this photo less blurry/adjust the colours and shades? (And potentially also remove the other people on the side) It's such a sweet candid moment of my partner and me. Will tip 10$ to the best one!


Can someone make this picture more higher quality (for free please)🥹


I lost my dog last week, and got his ashes back yesterday. This is one of the last pictures I took of him, and as a rescue we have no puppy photos. Could someone maybe turn him into a puppy? I appreciate it's a long shot!


Can anyone remove the pink towel on the glass in the back! My ocd cant take it 😵‍💫


It’s been a year since my boy went missing, I love this photo but is anybody able to edit the background so the rack and ironing board aren’t there, as well as that spray bottle? I can’t tip unfortunately.


Photoshop request please! Sons prom picture, please get rid of the open driver door and the white truck in back. Will tip $15 and additionally if you want to go crazy I'll tip another $15 to the top one or two outrageous submissions. First post, not sure about how to pay but will get it done!


Can anyone work their magic to make a LinkedIn photo (needed for a corporate event). Will tip
