These fools aren’t even paying rent

Connecticut, USA. Found on a shrub in our backyard.

Read also:

Bugs infested a bed about half the size of a grain of rice northeast Ohio

Can’t really get a better picture since they are too small, they were all over a fuzzy pillow


Seen in East central Minnesota


Caterpillar on my Milkweed? It’s not a monarch, but what it be?


Eight legged critter in Cincinnati

I put out sticky traps because I thought I might have roaches. I didn’t catch any roaches, but I did catch two of these tiny critters. It’s about the size of a pinhead and slightly translucent. Cincinnati, Ohio.


Found This little guy clinging to my wall so I let him outside. I’m in Colorado, he’s about 1/3 inch including legs and everything.


These little ants are all over our little watermelons. Are they red velvet ants? We have never seen them around here before, north east US.


Am I blessed?

Found in Northeast Ohio


Found in muskegon Michigan

Looks like hatching time for someone, but who?


Found in Sierra Nevada mountains

Took a walk near Hot Creek geological site up the 395 highway in the eastern sierras in California when I found this little guy. I know it’s a moth, but what kind?


Found on my jeep in the Phoenix, Arizona area.
