Wheel Bug. Noticed this little guy on my back windshield while driving home, but he held on for nearly 20 minutes until I got there.

Read also:

who is this little guy?

found in southern NH in one of the trees by my house that blooms hydrangeas.


Is this a cockroach? Seeing them more often in my house


Outside of Paris


found in Northern New Mexico


Another Cicada coming out…


Pulled this guy out of our pool. I live in the northeast US, greater Boston area


What kind of spider is this? Long Island, NY


Short black wasps, My house is full of these, very tame, I tried to sit my pointer by it for size comparison but it got spooked and flew away. I'd say they are about the length of half a pinky finger. I tried to get a good pic but they spook easy and fly off. I used to raise Polistes Metricus BTW.

I'm in Southern Illinois.


What are these and why are they just chilling on a tree?

I thought these were paper wasps but they are bigger than I've seen and they're not flying back to a nest. They live on this tree. Additionally they are fairly docile. South Texas.


Who is this big arachnid?

In the backyard of my friend's house in Richmond, VA. Body itself is about 2-3 inches long.
