Don't break rules

Read also:

Discover this masterpiece tonight


Could Dumbeldore have just cut his hand off?

Would this have stopped the curse? If not, why?


Waiting for the Knight Bus


Challenge 3: Make me have even a shred of respect for the Malfoys.

The Dursleys and Umbridge were fun. Lets see what else you Potterheads can come up with!


Just a little drawing of how I imagined Tonks to look like


A mysterious bearded man appears before you with a mission: You must choose the main character of a new Wizarding World graphic novel. Who do you choose? (Art by me)

I'd probably pick Mad Eye. His life must have been completely insane and super interesting.


Awesome to see the Deathly Hallows at the theater again (first time for me since 2011) ⚡️


How would you rank the books?

(I joined this sub today, forgive me if you’ve seem this post before.) Here’s mine: 7. Philosopher’s Stone (not bad at all, just can’t compare to the rest of the series) 6. Chamber of Secrets (Great book, great mystery, probably just a bit too short for my liking. More content would’ve been awesome) 5. Half-Blood Prince (Introduction of Horcruxes, a couple nice moments, really cool ending, just didn’t deliver as much as some of the others.) 4. Prisoner of Azkaban (Love this one, again a great mystery, so many new elements and characters brought into play, and what an amazing climax!) 3. Deathly Hallows (Great Fantasy Adventure! So many new locations to explore, lots of interweaving storylines, amazing payoffs from across the entire series, definitely ends things off on a high note!) 2. Order of the Pheonix (Love the darker tone here. Harry being a DATDA teacher, Love to hate Umbrige, one of the best climaxes of the entire series. Seriously from about 2/3 through, it’s just straight amazingness.) 1. Goblet of Fire (Definitely the most consistently great of the franchise. Every moment is enjoyable, the tasks come in every now and then to keep things spicy, amazing mystery with a super cool payoff, and the ending is easily the most memorable of the series.)


You’re gonna tell me Tom Riddle went to Hogwarts for 7 years and nobody thought it was a little suspicious that his wand looks like it’s made out of bone?


