(very very new to chess) how is this considered a tie and not a win? no matter how he will move i will take the king

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Nice checkmate I found today, black blundered with this pawn.


Milestone reached — after three months of learning chess I'm back to 800 on Chess.com! Still a long way to 1500 on Lichess though...


Stopped playing live games and focused on puzzles and studying. Playing games again, but I’m underrated now. 🤔


Black To Play, Brilliant Mate in 3


Why is this brilliant?


I know its an alright move, but I'm not quite understanding why it is a brilliant move


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Felt there was a mate during the game, but couldn't find it. Can you find this mate in 6?

I almost premoved it, but then I just chose the wrong move at one point.


Rook for a bishop nuance

To take or not to take. it’s early in the game, also Notice that the rook isn’t very active (especially compared to minor pieces). And I’m left with a bad bishop after the trade off (and underdeveloped) b/c atm blacks pawns at on light squares. And I still need to castle In the event of an end game, which is likely because we are evenly matched I think the trade is better. But atm I don’t think the material advantage helps me because our position and stage in game.


Average 1200 elo game
