Bracket clock by John Fordham. British, 1755 [3200 x 4000][OS]

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Dated to 500BCE The Ndakunimba Stones are the remains of a 50-foot-tall monolith carved with petroglyphs, located in Dakuniba, a remote village on Vanua Levu, Fiji. They comprise about 14 stone fragments and have yet to be deciphered (500 X 34


鎏金铜浮屠/Gilt Bronze Pagoda, China. Tany dynasty, 7th-8th c. AD [3212x4292]


Hand of Fatimah, part of the Khalili Collection of Islamic Art. India, late 18th - early 19th centuries. Gold, rubies, diamonds and emeralds with strings of pearls. [1779x1611].


Chunam, a lime box used for storing slaked lime. Made of gold. 19th Century CE, From Deccan. On display at Allahabad Museum, New Delhi, India.[1800×1183]


Wooden hangman's box, possibly a souvenir from an execution, British, c. 1700-1800. [961x549]


Model depicting artisans, including butchers and potters. First Intermediate Period Egypt, 9th Dynasty (2160 to 2130 BCE) [799×523]


Monk - scribe figure [leaded brass], seated on a wyvern [dragon] while writing. N. Germany, 12th c. CE. Metropolitan Mus., nr. 1982.60.396 [1600 x 2000]


The sanctuary of Fortuna Primigenia was an ancient Roman religious complex in Palestrina, Italy, founded in 204 BCE by Publius Sempronius Tuditanus. The remains of the sanctuary still standing today date to around 80 BCE. The bottom picture is a reconstruction of the sanctuary [960x1315]


The alchemical medallion of Emperor Leopold I is an oval medallion made of a gold, silver and copper alloy. With a height of 374 mm and a width of 301 mm, it is one of the largest medals in the world. 1677 CE, now housed at the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna [980x1211]


The Treaty of Tordesillas signed in Spain, on 7 June 1494, and ratified in Setúbal, Portugal, divided the newly discovered lands outside Europe between the Portuguese Empire and the Spanish Empire, along a meridian 370 leagues west of the Cape Verde islands, off the west coast of Africa [1500x1760]
