Male or female mantis? Slender body has me thinking male [CT, USA]

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Little guy in the house

Found in the kitchen of my house. Northeast US. Want to make sure not an issue!


Curious what kind of butterfly

This little guy flies around my garden front time to time was wondering if anyone can identify what kind of butterfly. Virginia


Whomst is this guy

About an inch long. New Jersey.


NY, NY, in my apartment, about the size of a penny/dime.


What is this catipillar. Southern CA


I think something stung my dog in the paw. I pulled out what I think is a stinger?? What could it be? Location: Poland


This was in my house in the UK, what is it?


My cat found a few of these under the stove, what are they? (I’m in a new apartment and had the space professional cleaned before moving in, this is new to me)


What kind of spider is eating the lantern fly?

I'm in the Pittsburgh area


What is this bug in Northern NC, USA.

These bugs have been a nuisance while we’ve been swimming in the pool - flying in people’s faces, landing on people’s backs, etc. but no one’s been stung. I did a Google search and we got Blue-winged Wasp which says not usually aggressive but will sting if provoked - do y’all concur that we’ve been encountering Blue-winged wasps ?
