Uber is taking more and more

I’ve seen them take more of the delivery fee but this is getting ridiculous! Almost 66%. I’m sure customers think we’re getting most of all of the “delivery fee!” (Hence the low tips) Ive seen where they’re taking 70-90%. When I started 2 years ago it seemed like it was 20-50%…am I the only one noticing this?!?!

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Cheese not part of nachos now?

Ordered nachos tonight and they arrived without cheese! Sent in a request for a refund and they say it's not part of the order so it's on me? What????? How do ya'll deal with this insanity to get a refund for what's obviously the restaurant's error?


I wouldn’t plan on donuts for breakfast


Me half awake and unshowered taking another stupid selfie for Uber


A glitch in the matrix


There's only one word for when you sleep 5 hours and forget to check your drive time before logging in:


This is just disrespectful I can't help but laugh


How much do you think the driver got?


Love these non tippers lol


Double charged tips?

Any advice is greatly appreciated! I used UberEATS for the first time yesterday and was perplexed by the charge on my bank account. After applying a coupon and adding a $4 tip, the initial transaction should have been $5.31. However, a few hours later, another pending transaction of $4 appeared on my bank account. Is this normal? Is the $4 a test charge that will be refunded, or has it resulted in a double charge?


Was this phrased ok? I never wanna come off as too mean
