Just saw this today and kinda threw me off guard

i like the idea that they are trying to get people to stop stealing food but how tf would this work are they planning to track you down and arrest you

Read also:

Is this normal for them to never give any explanation on why?


The Duality of a Customer


Ubereats biggest quest joke

I never get these and when I see people get them it’s usually 50 to 100 bucks Uber really decided to hook me up for 5 bucks trip quest ain’t that some shit all I been getting is bullshh


Lemme hear you holla for a dolla


I got this rarity of a delivery on Uber eats the other day and been praying for another one like it ever since 😂😭

Half of the 45 minutes was just waiting at the restaurant for the order to be ready because the drop off was less than 15 minutes away from the restaurant. Mind you, this was $300 worth of food from Boston market. But still, not bad for the money!!


Go Bank Account Closed With Uber With Negative Balance

I wasn’t aware Uber had shut down the Go Bank Program thing since I had stopped using the account a bit earlier than that. I wasn’t aware there was a negative balance on it and since it’s closed I cannot fix the balance. I was assured by customer service there wouldn’t be issues, but I’ve had customer service idiots tell me in the past everything is fine, only to be the exact opposite of that later on. Anyone else in the same boat? Did you have any impacts on your credit score or was it sent to collections? For some reason, this was never sent to collections.


Thank you cody🙏🏾

Got this order while i was playing pokemon go at a near by park. Kinda took my time with it i was really trying to catch a shiny charmander lol. Anyways when i got to the customer it was a meet at door and so i waited for him to answer. He came out and was genuinely in awe when he saw me pull out his order from my food bag. i just told him gotta keep the food warm. He thanked me and i went on my way. He ended up tipping me more for my standard routine but i know he appreciated my services because it would have been $10.65 if it was a hidden tip but since it was lower i know he increased the tip after. Today was actually one of my worse days driving this week but this made my day


Uber is taking more and more

I’ve seen them take more of the delivery fee but this is getting ridiculous! Almost 66%. I’m sure customers think we’re getting most of all of the “delivery fee!” (Hence the low tips) Ive seen where they’re taking 70-90%. When I started 2 years ago it seemed like it was 20-50%…am I the only one noticing this?!?!


Cheese not part of nachos now?

Ordered nachos tonight and they arrived without cheese! Sent in a request for a refund and they say it's not part of the order so it's on me? What????? How do ya'll deal with this insanity to get a refund for what's obviously the restaurant's error?


I wouldn’t plan on donuts for breakfast
