When Steve goes for a stroll in the real world and realizes that blocks are too round for him! 😂

Read also:

Bro this is so true


We all know what happens next


The explosion of space shuttle Challenger formed an almost perfect scorpion


The handle on my dishwasher broke. A replacement was going to be $175. However, on my walk in the neighborhood yesterday I found a neighbor about to take their broken dishwasher to the dump. It's the same model, with an intact handle, which I salvaged with permission.


Getting risky tonight

Fiancée is away at her bachelorette trip. House to myself. Black - Mordor Red - Isengard Green - Elves Yellow - Men of the west The uruk-hai got kicked out of Isengard, Mordor building their armies in the south. There is an inevitable clash coming to osgiliath. Im such a nerd, playing by myself. Narrating the game.


I don't care if it's a replica. It's my precious and we loves it!


The Royal Mint finally delivered!


Thought you guys would appreciate my new tattoo! Extra points if you can translate it!


Despite this whole Dol Guldur scene being really…wired, I really liked the Galadriel speech where she tells that Sauron doesn’t have a name, face and form. He drown himself in evil so much, even further than Morgoth, that he doesn’t even have a body anymore. He is just force of nature now. Thoughts?


Got these earrings years ago before being a fan of lotr...now you can't tell me I don't own andúril earrings
