Found these on my new passion fruit vine

Read also:

My dad send me a photo of this (NC) and wasn't sure what it was.


What's this lovely creature? Found in Midwestern Brazil


Found on the wall in my house - Eastern NC

As the title says, I found this on the wall in my house. It's around the size of a quarter maybe? Legs are mottled and almost translucent with knobby joints. Did a quick search online and looks to be a species of non-native Spitting Spider, genus Scytodes, possibly S. globula since it's been spotted in NC per Bug Guide. What do you guys think?


spider that keeps hanging out above my bed


What kind of spider is this found in Atlantic City nj


What's on this praying Mantis?

The praying mantis killed and left 4 pairs of monarch wings on my flowers. He has this nasty guy attatched.


What would make this hole? It’s too big to be a termite right?


This guy landed on my wife’s neck and somehow survived. Got a pic once he was on the ground.

In New Mexico at the Sandia Peak Ski Area during the Summer at about 10,000’ elevation.


Assassin Bug? MN, USA


These large flies have started showing up in our house. What is it and how can we prevent more from spawning?
