My cats back legs keep shaking

My beloved cat of 3 years keeps shaking her back legs, even when just sitting. I am wondering if this is normal or my cat has a larger problem I need to address.

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Concerned about something on cat’s mouth

In the corner of his mouth is some strange small growth. It also seems to be discolored/not black like the rest of his mouth. There’s a small hard part coming off of it. I don’t know if it’s a scab, acne, or something else someone here would be able to recognize? Hard to get a super clear picture, he doesn’t like being restrained. Thank you in advance


Anisocoria switching eyes

Anyone know what could cause anisocoria to come on suddenly but intermittently, and switch eyes? This has been happening on and off for about five months. She’s been to the vet multiple times and been seen by an ophthalmologist. She behaves normally outside of some squinting and boogers in the eye with the constricted pupil, and everything appears normal on her exams and blood work. She is ten years old.


found a kitty in the middle of nowhere, really hard stomach--what could be happening?

We found this kitty in the middle of a bunch of warehouses, the nearest residental area over 50 miles away, at a notorious cat dumping ground. He jumped into my family members car and basically begged to come home, so that's how I got him. I am taking this kitty to the vet on Tuesday because he's eating/drinking, pooping and peeing normally, but I don't know if I'm overreacting! He's an intact male (we thought he was pregnant until we found his testicles!) and he's really thick! Like, sturdy muscle wise. He's got a rotund hard stomach. He's a bit picky regarding touches (only really tolerates head touches) but is super friendly, meows, and again, doesn't indicate any pain beyond just nipping if you touch his side (which he also could just Not like that kind of touch). I'm going to check him for a chip first of course, but is the round hard stomach an indicator of anything internally? I'm thinking worms, giardia...he's quarantined from my other cats of course for now. I've never had an intact male and I found out they stink! His pee smells awful (no blood) and his poop is even worse! So I won't know till Tuesday, but anyone have some experience dealing w intact males that could reassure me or throw some hypothesis around that I can talk to the vet about? I


Sick cat

My runt 4 year old boy is having some issues. He already has an appointment for the 5th but I would like some opinions. He has persistent runny nose and sneezing. His eyes are watery and he's getting eye boogers. He's having trouble breathing because of his nose. The amount of snot is also making him not want to eat or drink due to it being hard to breath when he does so. His poop and pee is normal other than being a little less because of lack of eating. Other than being more tired than usual he's his normal cuddly self. Any suggestions or what you think it might be would be great. Again he's going to the vet the 5th I just want outside opinions. Thank you.


My kitten lost a tooth today. Can this wait till Tuesday?

My kitten Loki was wrestling with one of my other cats when a piece of tooth went flying out of his mouth. Of course this would happen on a holiday weekend and his vet is not open. Can I wait till Tuesday to see the vet or do I need to take him to the emergency vet? I assume he'll have to have the rest of the tooth extracted. He's eating and drinking fine, it doesn't seem to bother him but I am afraid it will get infected eventually.


Help with sore on Kylo's nose

Hello, my little boy has a sore on his nose from licking too much. I think his nose was running due to allergies which caused him to lick his nose, which cause the sore to form and it's a never-ending cycle. If I put medicine on it, he'll just lick it right off. Anyone have suggestions on what to do?


Not sure if cat is sick or not

Hey all so both of my cats have been acting a little strange as of the last week. I have a male orange long hair 1.5 years (Waylon) and a female black short hair about a year (Willie) neither of them have had a hair ball and I've had them both since they were about 6 to 10 weeks About a week ago Willie started doing this gaging thing nothing comes up but it's abnormal for her. Yesterday Waylon started the same and he's been gagging a lot today like every few hours he'll gag like 5 times in the span of 10 minutes. Then be normal. Waylon also has this labored meow when a pick him up. He sometimes meows at me when I pick him up but this is not like those times he seems in pain. I don't pick Willie up so idk for her. Finally they have had food in their bowl for like 10 hours and ate very little. Typically it wouldnt be gone by now but there would be some missing. The vet is kind of worst case. I live in a small town with one vet and I just kind of made an enemy of him and an ass of myself when he screwed up a treatment for ear mites admitted it and still was gonna charge me an extra 80 bucks per cat for a little syringe of ear mites stuff. so I'd have to travel at least an hour and a half to a vet. I will do it absolutely if I have to, but if I can get something at the pet store and not make that drive that would be ideal.


Help please!

This little sweet girl is awesome BUT: sometimes she steps on her poop when trying to bury it and walks out of the litter box thinking it’s all clean. What do I do?


I had to do a double take of this doormat…
