lil marshmallow

Read also:

Sadly he and his sister were too smol for this world and they were gone before I could have adopted them.


New Girl Gang in town!

This little girl gang is has been stopped from a life of crime and sentenced to wet food, kibble, soft beds, and snuggles. Mandy Mittens, the white and tab in the back, is said to be the ringleader but Pickles (beside Mandy Mittens) and Nugget (front) are more than capable of making mischief on their own. Thankfully the public at large is now safe!


The 1 pound void needed her nap


Cookie is Spooky little criminal.

She's so small, we used a costume made for bearded dragons 😂


She wants to know what games you have on your phone


Sleeping pile of criminals.


she is wanted for 9 crimes


the cutest sleeping😍


Sweet baby


Newest smol fuzzy

My most recent smol. Xfinity remote for size. Arrived on the 14th of August. My housekeeper keeps bringing me these orphans. She was found in a stack of pallets, yelling her head off. At least this one could eat on her own. She has all her baby teeth and her eyes are no longer baby blue, so she was at least 7 weeks old. Now about 9 weeks, but still only the size of a 5 week old. Has a very tiny meow (she probably used up her voice trying to find help in the pallets), but makes up for it with an instant on purr. Name is Motley Troi.
