A 2nd century CE Roman marble relief from the tomb of the Haterii, a family of builders who were involved in the construction of public monuments. The relief shows a human powered treadwheel crane which could lift 6000 kg when worked only by 2 men [2688x1848]

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Funerary wax figurine of Saiah with a wooden sarcophagus, Late 11th Dynasty Egypt (2051 to 1981 BCE) [800×623]


Oldest complaint in the world: Complaint tablet to Ea-nāṣir. Clay tablet from Ur, written c. 1750 BC. A merchant named Ea-nāṣir from a customer named Nanni wrote it about some copper ingots. [2426x3533].


Ancient Roman terracotta plate with handles, c. 2nd century CE. [2000x2000]


Model house and garden from Meketra's tomb made of painted wood. Late 11th Dynasty or Early 12th Dynasty Egypt, around 2000 BCE. [800×898]


Mural depicting Menas slaying an Ottoman Turk at Ura Kidane Mehret, Ethiopia, 1560 [495x503]


Baptism Basin of the Basilica of St. Vitale, Sbeitla [1024x683]


Lacquered water vessel. China, Han dynasty, 202 BC–9 AD [920x669]


Half of a goddess statue. The upper half broke off. Cambodia, Khmer Empire, 10th-11th century AD [2232x3777]


A fresco showing the port of Stabiae, located near Pompeii. Dated to the 1st century CE. The city was completely destroyed in 79 CE, as a result of the eruption of Vesuvius. [1200x1065]


Supersize a leech to the length of a baseball bat, give it 3 fangs surrounded by rows of smaller teeth, and voila-- you’ve created a Pacific lamprey. The fish’s slimy, boneless body culminates in a tooth-studded oral disc, which it can use to suction to larger fish and slurp its host’s bodily fluids
