The "Warrior of Capestrano" – tall limestone statue of a Picene (Italic people) warrior, dated to the 6th century BC c.a. Height of around 2.1 m (6' 7") on a base made of lithic. The statue was found in the territory of the Vestini (Italic people), but depicts a man with a Picene helmet. [399x500]

Read also:

Formal outfit for a boy from a samurai clan. Japan, Edo period, 1800-1850 [1640x2200]


Purse. British, first quarter of the 17th century [3203 x 4000][OS]


These are the 16th century Old Wellington Inn and 18th century Sinclair's Oyster Rooms in Manchester. Here they're pictured in 1971 when they were underpinned and raised to fit the new street level. They were later moved as Shambles Square (pictured in the bottom) was developed in 1999 [1080x1999]


4,000-year-old sculpture of Gudea, ruler of Lagash. Iraq, Neo-Sumerian, 2150-2125 BC [1650x1740]


A 2nd century CE Roman marble relief from the tomb of the Haterii, a family of builders who were involved in the construction of public monuments. The relief shows a human powered treadwheel crane which could lift 6000 kg when worked only by 2 men [2688x1848]


Funerary wax figurine of Saiah with a wooden sarcophagus, Late 11th Dynasty Egypt (2051 to 1981 BCE) [800×623]


Oldest complaint in the world: Complaint tablet to Ea-nāṣir. Clay tablet from Ur, written c. 1750 BC. A merchant named Ea-nāṣir from a customer named Nanni wrote it about some copper ingots. [2426x3533].


Ancient Roman terracotta plate with handles, c. 2nd century CE. [2000x2000]


Model house and garden from Meketra's tomb made of painted wood. Late 11th Dynasty or Early 12th Dynasty Egypt, around 2000 BCE. [800×898]


Mural depicting Menas slaying an Ottoman Turk at Ura Kidane Mehret, Ethiopia, 1560 [495x503]
