What is this bug that stung me?

The most painful sting I've experienced. Southern California

Read also:

These guys always get in my room when I open the window. No more than 3 mm in size.


I almost walked face first into this… lovely fellow. Who are they? USA, OHIO.

It’s made the biggest and most intricate web I’ve ever seen in my backyard, I don’t mind it being there. I’ve just never seen this species before and I’m curious.


Found on my college campus in WV

Sorry for somewhat blurry photo, the little friend was right in the middle of the sidewalk and I didn’t have time to get a better one. He/she was about 2-4 inches long and was moving fairly quickly across the sidewalk towards a tree on the other side. Any help figuring out what it is would be great!!


Big ass spider

This basted charged me while I was in my room


What is this thing??? Found crawling on rug in front of our shower


Landed on me while playing golf. Southern California.


This guy was really tiny. Anyone know what it is?

New York, USA


Found this hanging in a broken spider web. Haven’t seen anything like this in our backyard before. Probably about an inch long. Live in northern Illinois.


Who's this guy with the sweet bell bottoms? Southern California


Found this outside, anyone know what it is??

Found it outside today. Located in Sydney, Australia. Anyone know what it is? Never seen it before.
