“Flourish the pinky”

Read also:

Yeah dude, Charlie’s looking right at me - oil and gold leaf on canvas

My first attempt at an oil portrait in colour!


Episodes in which Dennis and Charlie (Daddy and The Boy) pair up are the best, trying to make a list. I know there's S12E07 PTSDEE, S07E08 The Anti-Social Network, S16E06 Risk E. Rat's Pizza and Amusement Center. What are some other ones?


The Gang Buys a Roller Rink made me understand the gang a lot more than I did before.


if you wanna get into that boy's hole!


I hung dong while taking this picture


Is this the best way to get hard?

I'm trying to show my dad how hard I am. I thought you guys might appreciate it.


Sunny Sex Tip: How to hit it from the back


Saw this today on one of the nicest streets in NYC

Literally 1 blocks from the Guggenheim and Cooper Hewitt between MAD ave and Park. I just pictured a loaded Dennis screaming at people on the street about parking and anything under the sun about how he has the better car than the rolls right down the block


Whenever I try to put my jabroni baby down for a sleep

"Did that asshole just shush me?"


Anyone have sunny related name ideas for this bunny we just got? We’re currently calling her Sandy Cheeks
