Spelling Bee is clearly run by Muggles.

Read also:

Who’s your favorite Death Eater?

Mine is probably Barty Crouch Jr. He’s easily the most committed and loyal to Voldemort. BC Jr. is also extremely cunning, a very powerful wizard, and a master manipulator. I hate that he was given the dementor’s kiss in Goblet of Fire, I would have loved to see more of him.


LEGO Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (2001)




This is so beautiful 😍


Can we just enjoy them separately? They’re both great in their own way


Harry Potter Horror Game Concept:

The history of Azkaban is a dark and bloody one. It was first discovered in the 1400s by the dark wizard Ekrizdis. There he constructed a vast fortress, where he lured lost ships to island. Over the years he captured and tortured hundreds of people, performing dark experiments on them, creating all new dark creatures. Eventually he died, and the Island became overrun with his dark experiments, until it was finally discovered in the 1700s. Several wizards entered the island, and when they returned to the mainland, they were so horrified by what they saw, that they couldn’t even speak on it. The island was swarming with so many horrific experiments that the men were completely traumatized, the least of which were dementors. Think about that, the LEAST of which were dementors! Here’s my proposal, a horror game in the vain of Dead Space or Resident Evil, where you act as one of these initial wizards to explore the island. Becoming trapped in its depths and having to claw your way out, fighting all manner of horrifying creatures and eldritch bosses, solving puzzles, and using any kind of magic you can to escape this nightmare.




Final Challenge: Make me have even a shred of respect for Peter Pettigrew (Wormtail)

The Malfoys challenge wasnt as popular as my first two, but I already had Peter lined up so lets make him the final challenge. (Unless you guys tell me that you like these posts, if so maybe I will do a few more).


Which character is the worst wizard/ witch in terms of ability?

(Besides Neville of course) I personally feel that it’s shamus as nearly all the spells he at least attempts to conjure, nearly always end up in an implosion. What do you guys think?


What did Ginny mean, I thought she was the youngest
