No meme, just a reminder that there are people who genuinely think this guy is still a good footballer

Read also:

Cool or nah?


Just finished my new home office setup

I want to add in my Xbox Series X without the desk looking cluttered, any ideas? Also tried rubber wheels on the chair but they seem to not be too great on the carpet, think I’m going to need a mat.


Help me organize cables behind pc

Anyone got any tips to organize the cables behind the pc? Tried to put them in a sleeve but need some of the cables for charging the wireless gear that i use.


Question: Cable Management Advice

I am putting a new desk together today. 96” Acadia butcher block top with Alex drawers on the sides. I run a triple monitor side-by-side setup. My previous desk had a walled back so i didn’t worry too much about cable management. This new setup will be open back so I am looking for some tips, tricks, ideas. I know I can run cable up the back of an alex - how about horizontal? Are there any cable trays or paths i can get to run cables along the length of the butcher block? Its only 1.5 inches.


Just upgraded my setup, any tips?


Converted to Stacked Monitors and haven’t looked back


WFH Setup


Got a new haircut and a new outfit for a party


color coordination


sorceress fit
