Feeling cute. Hopefully my students don’t see this lol

Read also:

I never thought I deserved or could find a love like this. I never knew what kind was until I met him

I never knew that I could love someone so deeply. Or what romance looked like until I met this man. At just 3 months of dating my mother died and he told me that he didn’t know me long enough to know what to say to comfort me but that he would still try. While grieving he would come and sit on the end of my bed while I slept. When I was sick he’d bring me medicine and soup. Such a self less person.


The first holiday since my kids that didn’t drive me insane with their instant crying over everything being out of their range of normal… I’m so damn happy I actually had a holiday that gave me energy.


the butterflies, watercolor by me, good morning


Lovely new update for you guys(8 months later) 227 to 170 lbs!


Restarted my island and now am waiting for the museum

Blathers better be ready


European-core for my ACNH 4-in-1 Challenge


These are all duplicates and I still haven’t completed the set. Should I just buy what I need at this point?


Can’t stand this guy

He Annoys the living shit out of me


So there I was...

...just trying on some new clothes I bought and coming up with an outfit. Then I realized I made John Lennon, maybe Elton John if I had pink pants on. I hate The Beatles, good taste in clothes though.


Mathilda, my favorite kangaroo goth mom, hitting the gym at 2:30am while wearing her baby
