Is this stray kitten’s gums too pale?

Are these normal colored cat gums? I cannot tell if they are too pale. Excuse the bed I am washing my sheets.

Read also:

Is it normal for my cats ears to look like this ?

I notice that sometimes he’s scratching at his ears but it’s not constant and he doesn’t seem in paint, just notice they seem a bit dirty down inside and I’m scared to clean them.


Went to vet about my cat being skinny and they said that she is dehydrated. I've put water in all types of bowls around the house and she will just sit next to them and stick her head near the water like she is going to drink, but never does. Gave her wet food but still cannot get her to drink.


What age to get a female cat fixed?

I’m hearing all kinds of different ages. I took in a stray and will definitely ask the vet next week. I wanted to hear opinions from people on here. And why that particular age if you know.


What’s wrong with my cat’s eye?

I just noticed today that her left eye has discharge coming from it and the inner corner is more prominent and kind of looks a little pink/irritated. I don’t know if it’s conjunctivitis or another kind of bacterial infection or if it’s from an injury but it has me worried. In early August she spiked a fever and was having difficulty moving around so I brought her to the emergency vet. They did some testing but weren’t able to determine the exact cause of the fever (they were able to eliminate UTI though) but the vet prescribed her a 2 week long antibiotic. Recently, she’s been walking away from her wet food but is still eating the dry food so it seems like it could be connected to whatever’s wrong with her eye. I’m not sure if the vet can give her another round of antibiotics or if she needs special eye drops.


Found a cat outside my apartment in a very interesting way

Hello everyone, Last night I was walking up the stairs (they are exterior stairs) to my apartment when before the last ramp I saw a beautiful kitty. It had a pink collar on so I assumed it was a girl! Also there was a bowl with water and one with food. She came to me and was very nice to me! She followed me inside my apartment and I was pretty sure she was a house cat. So I had my girlfriend come over and bring her car stuff to give her a bath and some toys. I left a paper in that spout saying that the cat was in my apartment so that if someone came for her they would find her. Something made me more suspicious, she kept scratching the collar, because probably she was not used to wearing one and maybe it was put on her to show that she was a house cat! Also, as soon as we setup a litter box she went for it right away! She spent the night at home and was great! Today we took her to the vet here in Utah and they found a microchip, and she is a HE and his name is a very generic “snowboots”! We reported him as stolen but no one has contacted me. What should I do now? Any other way to contact the owners? We are going to ask my apartment manager to send a text to all tenant that the cat was found hoping someone claims him, otherwise I will keep this little cute guy! I am open to all suggestions and comments on what to do or what do you think happened!


Seeing the vet tomorrow… what will they say?

3rd eyelid stuck.. doesn’t seem bothered by it and the eye doesn’t look injured. We’re the seeing the vet tomorrow but does anyone have any experience what to expect?


this is the third time she makes her eyes like that. Anyone know why ? the top part of that eye also is scaly/patchy like dandruff (but the vet says its just a bald spot

I noticed the top area of her eye looked scaly and had less hair, i assume it could be ring worm since here n there i keep feeling scaly patches (kind of like dandruff?) but the vet says it must be a bald spot. Noe this happens to her eyes and its the third time she does it. Whats going on ?






