Emergency Vet now or Wait until Tomorrow for Regular Vet?

Noticed my neutered 12 year old male cat straining in the litter box a few minutes ago. He would come in and out and try to lick around his genitals and then go back. I noticed that his penis was sticking out while he was grooming. After a while I saw there was a hard piece of feces sticking out of his anus. I helped remove this, but he went back to straining. He then threw up but seemed to feel a bit better after that. He still got up when I shook the treat container, but his belly is still tender and he growls when I touch his lower abdomen or try to pick him up. He has had cystitis before but we switched him to a medicated food and he hasn’t had issues since. I’m trying to figure out if he’s constipated or if his UT is blocked or semi blocked. I started noticing this right after I changed the litter so I have no idea when he peed last or had a normal poop. Picture of him napping on my phone last week for cuteness.

Read also:

How do I teach him that it’s ok to run around and play with us but not to bite and scratch us when he does?


4 month Kitty, slept in my closet all night, and when I picked him up he started meowing right away which he never does. Doesn’t want to eat or play and is just sitting all day. His poops are pretty normal. Is it just a stomach bug? Or is this something I should bring him in for? Please help


When should I take off my cats come after neutering?

(Kitty tax photo) my baby was neutered on the 31st, and he was still bleeding a little after 12 hours so we got him some antibiotics. Just wondering how long I should wait to keep his cone on? I want him to be as healed as possible. Thanks!


Update on my sudden aggressive cat (went to the vet)

So I made a post earlier about how my cat turned suddenly agressieve. Some ppl suggested going to the vet. So we went to the vet and she basically told us that (luckily) there’s physically nothing wrong with him. Healthy teeth, weight, no allergies, ect. So she suggested to get a certain type of food (Prins VitalCare Resist Calm) and a Feliway spray. But this doesn’t seem to help with his aggression. We did notice a pattern, the aggression starts around 7 PM and lasts the whole rest off the day. In the morning he’s talkative, cuddly, wants to go outside and stuff. And in the afternoon he just gets grumpy and aggressive. I’ve tried turning his attention to his toys but he plays with them for a second en then goes back to eying you with the airplane ears, twitchy tail and stuff. But after a while he calms down again and goes back to sleeping on your lap, and then all off the sudden he’s aggressive again. Does anyone have experience with this/knows what we can do to make him more comfortable???


Kitten has been still and acting strange as if she just saw a ghost..

5 minutes ago my kitten meowed kinda loud and then when I check up on her she was sitting completely still.. she is the most active kitty I have and is constantly running around. She looked she just saw a ghost. When I picked her up, she didn’t fight back much, usually she does. And then she walked around a little but was walking kinda slowly and fumbling a bit.. I know this sounds dumb, but it looks like she’s tripping balls and is super out of it. She’s not sitting in a box. Is this sudden strange behavior normal for a kitty?


Gaining a stray cats trust

Hi everyone! For the past week or so, my family has been feeding a stray cat. I have a suspicion that she used to belong to our neighbor. My neighbor had upwards of 10 cats (one of which was pregnant) that all roamed the neighborhood. I think this cat was abandoned when my neighbor moved. I’m not sure if she was one of the adult cats, or one of the babies from the pregnant cat. Here are some of the things we’ve been doing to try and gain her trust: 1) Sit near her when she eats or drinks 2) Give her a cardboard box with blankets to lie down in 3) Offer treats from our hands She’s been coming around the same time everyday (10am and 6pm), so we just put out her food and sit there with her. She won’t allow us to get close to her. She’s slowly been coming to us for treats, but any movement we make she runs away. I want so badly to get her to trust us and let us love her. I wish I had a better photo, because she is truly the most beautiful Siamese. I would deeply appreciate any advice anyone could give us


What's wrong with my 5 month old kittens ear???

The tip of her left ear is kind of hard and beginning to wilt backwards. I noticed it a couple days ago. Her other ear is fine and her sisters ears are normal as well.


Is this stray kitten’s gums too pale?

Are these normal colored cat gums? I cannot tell if they are too pale. Excuse the bed I am washing my sheets.


Is it normal for my cats ears to look like this ?

I notice that sometimes he’s scratching at his ears but it’s not constant and he doesn’t seem in paint, just notice they seem a bit dirty down inside and I’m scared to clean them.


Went to vet about my cat being skinny and they said that she is dehydrated. I've put water in all types of bowls around the house and she will just sit next to them and stick her head near the water like she is going to drink, but never does. Gave her wet food but still cannot get her to drink.
