Why can't you guys let people space out their usernames?

I don't get it, when I moved from Playstation to Steam, I was quite surprise that you can space out your name and change it without paying. As you can see here, I change my username whatever I want and changed my name to "Senator Armstrong" not "Senator_Armstrong", not "Senator-Armstrong", not "SenatorArmstrong", etc. I also made my friends change their names to "Senator Armstrong" and it let us have the same name. Can you guys do the same thing please for those that are on Playstation? I mean it shouldn't be a problem with that. This is the only console that doesn't allow our names to be spaced out. Could you guys give them special characters as well as like instead of "Ragnarok" it could also be "Rªgnªrøk"

Read also:

It's still funny to me this was the birth of Killzone's "hype" 21 years ago (Official PlayStation 2 Magazine-UK - Issue 29)


Anyone recognize this game? It’s driving my husband nuts. Sorry ab quality it was a pic from a Netflix docuseries lol


Don’t worry PlayStation brothers and sisters. Your not missing out on much. THIS is the map for a planet on Starfield ☠️


I can’t get her to stop eating plants

She’s an elder cat, not entirely sure how old she is, got her from a shelter and they said she was 8. If I’m to believe that she is now 14yo. Recently moved into a new apartment and put up some plants - she is so incredibly persistent about eating them. Oddly enough after getting her from a shelter she is the opposite of food motivated, I’ve never gotten her to eat a treat of any kind and I can leave a months worth of food out, she’ll self regulate. She threw up this morning and there was a handful of leaves that were in her stomach Should I be worried? Any tips to not have her eat plants? Just keep em out of reach?


What is this?


What is on my cats stomach?

She gets stressed and licks her stomach but this spot is so bad and my parents and vet say it’s from anxiety. Have any of you seen anything like this?


Emergency Vet now or Wait until Tomorrow for Regular Vet?

Noticed my neutered 12 year old male cat straining in the litter box a few minutes ago. He would come in and out and try to lick around his genitals and then go back. I noticed that his penis was sticking out while he was grooming. After a while I saw there was a hard piece of feces sticking out of his anus. I helped remove this, but he went back to straining. He then threw up but seemed to feel a bit better after that. He still got up when I shook the treat container, but his belly is still tender and he growls when I touch his lower abdomen or try to pick him up. He has had cystitis before but we switched him to a medicated food and he hasn’t had issues since. I’m trying to figure out if he’s constipated or if his UT is blocked or semi blocked. I started noticing this right after I changed the litter so I have no idea when he peed last or had a normal poop. Picture of him napping on my phone last week for cuteness.


How do I teach him that it’s ok to run around and play with us but not to bite and scratch us when he does?


4 month Kitty, slept in my closet all night, and when I picked him up he started meowing right away which he never does. Doesn’t want to eat or play and is just sitting all day. His poops are pretty normal. Is it just a stomach bug? Or is this something I should bring him in for? Please help


When should I take off my cats come after neutering?

(Kitty tax photo) my baby was neutered on the 31st, and he was still bleeding a little after 12 hours so we got him some antibiotics. Just wondering how long I should wait to keep his cone on? I want him to be as healed as possible. Thanks!
