
What are these things? I’ve seen like 4 or 5 recently. Look and act like moths so I’m guessing moth. Am I going to have them eating my clothes? What’s a good remediation? In western New York.

Read also:

Why won’t my key open the dungeon chest


Apparently I don’t have a temple.

Explored the whole jungle. Nothing at all. This is annoying.


Any advice to defeat skeletron legendary? I've been trying this boss one day straight,changing arenas,builds,strategies but i still cant do barely anything (i defeted calamity infernum before,im not new at the game i promise)(also it does 160 damage,which i find kinda stupid tbh)


First build I feel proud of


Where the Kentucky fried [redacted] is this missing wall

I’m trying to build better then npc prison boxes as I only have moonlord left to kill and this top room is missing a wall, where, I have I tried to fill in behind all the blocks and smart cursor didn’t show anything missing Excuse the mess to the left, I tore down the old base except for the storage basement and had to move some items


What does this mean?


I got three Spazmatism trophies before one Retinazor trophy Orz


Terraria trivia returns! I want to showcase a very unknown mechanic today.


what are these blocks and walls of this construction?


My post EOC jungle pylon. What do you think?
