Keep seeing these all over my apartment

These bugs have been crawling/flying around my apartment for the last month and I have no clue what they are. They are driving my cats mad and I just want to be rid of them. Can someone please tell me what they are? I'm in the Mid-Atlantic area if it makes a difference.

Read also:

This knobslobber was right above the door to my bedroom and bathroom. These day ruiners have always been around my house but i've never known what kind of wasp they are



What are these things? I’ve seen like 4 or 5 recently. Look and act like moths so I’m guessing moth. Am I going to have them eating my clothes? What’s a good remediation? In western New York.


Why won’t my key open the dungeon chest


Apparently I don’t have a temple.

Explored the whole jungle. Nothing at all. This is annoying.


Any advice to defeat skeletron legendary? I've been trying this boss one day straight,changing arenas,builds,strategies but i still cant do barely anything (i defeted calamity infernum before,im not new at the game i promise)(also it does 160 damage,which i find kinda stupid tbh)


First build I feel proud of


Where the Kentucky fried [redacted] is this missing wall

I’m trying to build better then npc prison boxes as I only have moonlord left to kill and this top room is missing a wall, where, I have I tried to fill in behind all the blocks and smart cursor didn’t show anything missing Excuse the mess to the left, I tore down the old base except for the storage basement and had to move some items


What does this mean?


I got three Spazmatism trophies before one Retinazor trophy Orz


Terraria trivia returns! I want to showcase a very unknown mechanic today.
