Spider with huge fangs found in Toronto basement. The body is about 1.5 centimetres long. Was this a friendly boy or a danger boy?

Read also:

Hello, is this a moth?


Found this when sweeping. Do I need to be concerned?

It’s about an 1/8 inch long. Found a couple of baby ones on my books as well. This is a bedroom so no food crumbs here. Located in NY.


Any ideas on which creature's poop?


Who is this little guy?

Southern California


Just moved

What’s this bug? Northeast Pennsylvania currently, was just visiting south of Denver CO and am wondering if this bug may be a Colorado native? Don’t want to kill it but also don’t want to be responsible for some kind of invasive species outbreak😬


Brown beetle in Ontario Canada

I've seen a few of them, anyone knows what they are?


Is this a termite?

Northern central coast of CA. Thank you for any info!


(Not?) A Mexican tiger moth

Google Lens identifies it as a Mexican tiger moth. I read those are only in Mexico and western USA. This guy is in Pennsylvania, USA.


help this stunk up my hand

This goober fell from my head and onto my hand, it smelled like an old moist rag. It had a green head and white spots where his legs started. Called him rude and released him, anyone know what it is?


Suddenly seeing these around the house, don't know what they are

In Northern Colorado, alright if it can't be ID'd, best picture I could get with how small it is. Just curious
