Watch Out, World.. My Mom (Age 81 And A Dog Lover) Is Now On Facebook!

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Had a good chortle at this!


How about a snake?


Abyss vs void


I owe my soul to the company store


Malicious compliance


Thanks I Hate it, suffocating fish


Yellow is a bit sus!!!


my cats have fleas, I'm tackling it. found this under the couch. flea related or something else?


Kitty is starting to get (bloody?) discharge coming from both of his eyes.

We just noticed it 30 minutes ago. He usually has zoomies for hours during the evening through early morning, but he slept the whole evening and looks lethargic now. Should we take him to the vet ER or can we wait until tomorrow morning to take him to our usual vet? Thanks everyone!


Can toxic plants cause permanent damage?

This handsome devil got into my pothos & spider plants nearly 3 weeks ago and ended up very sick with vomiting and diarrhea. I took him to the pet ER and they gave him an IV, started an antibiotic and antiemetic to treat for gastroenteritis. He was doing well on canned food. I re-introduced kibble about a week after the initial incident and we were right back to the vomiting and diarrhea. I took him back for a recheck and the vet said based on her examination, it appeared his tummy was still mildly inflamed and a little painful. She recommended a prescription strength canned food that would be easy on his tummy while he finished healing. She said after a week of said canned food, try to re-introduce kibble…which brings us to yesterday… I gave him kibble and this morning he was right back to the diarrhea. My question is…can ingestion of plants cause permanent GI damage? Or is it more likely that I’m not giving his intestines long enough to fully heal? TIA!
