D.W.I.G.H.T 💪 💪 💪

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Disneyfied The Office characters


A shirt that would appeal to Jim before he had kids


I think my tier list may be controversial...

I can't help it guys i love Gabe


Jim is the most talented salesman in The Office. Prove me wrong.


How the turntables


A Salon for the Special Occasions in a Man’s Life?


Jessica dodged a HUGE bullet when Andy broke it off, no?

I mean, he was a train wreck. A total flake. She got out early and lucky.


Anyone else find it so weird that Val joins Darryl and Jada for their family portrait? They're hardly even dating.


I thought this was actually really inspiring.


Theory regarding the “Boom Roasted” scene from Stress Relief Part 2

When Michael finally returns to Dunder Mifflin and starts roasting the others, only three of them go unscathed: Phyllis, Toby, and Kelly. I’d like to give my theories as to why these three weren’t roasted. Phyllis- one explanation here is that Michael fears retaliation from her husband: Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration, however I’m not sure that’s the case, considering Michael was preparing to roast Phyllis earlier in the episode before storming off the stage, but stopped once he lost his nerve. The counter to this point is that Michael didn’t consider the wrath of Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration until his time to himself in the park, but I think a more plausible explanation exists, which I will elaborate on further when we get to Kelly. Toby- as Michael himself stated earlier in the episode, the roast is for friends only, and by Michael’s logic this could exclude Toby both from being the roaster and the roastee. Kelly- the most puzzling omission by far, especially considering Michael has frequently levied insensitive comments towards her race and has also (correctly) considered Kelly to be unintelligent. My best guess towards Kelly’s exclusion is also a theory that could possibly apply to Phyllis as well, and that is that he had prepared roasts for both of them but decided to quit while he was ahead when he saw Stanley’s (and also the rest of the office’s) positive reception to his roasts of the others. The only flaw in this theory is that it shows uncharacteristically good judgement on Michael’s part but it’s the best I could come up with. What do you guys think? Do you have your own theories as to why these three were spared?
