Basketball, boats, and a guy drinking tea?? What is the joke even supposed to be?

Read also:

Slow weight loss (14 yo Bombay)

My sweet Harvey Milk cat has been very slowly losing weight for about two years. He has gone from 11 1/2 pounds down to 9 1/2 pounds. The veterinarian and I have looked at every possible testing, and diet adjustments. His appetite remains vigorous, but he eats very little food. Is this normal slow weight loss just a part of aging? Harvey is 14 1/2, male Bombay. Thank you so much in advance.


19yrs old and loves a fire outside ❤️


My handsome 16-year-old ginger man will use anything as a pillow.


Casper, 14, just joined my Coven

Casper was surrendered because of a laundry list of health issues. His elderly owners couldn't help him anymore, especially since he was getting aggressive. He has his new retirement home with me now.


Happy 1-year Gotcha-Day to my main man Snoop!! 16 years old and looking more handsome than ever 😌


Hey guys I'm a mod of okbuddychuckanery (it's not this sub, it's the shit version) (learn to read) do you think it would be a funny prank to delete all of the posts there?


Patrick Fabian did a good job in the new One Piece series


When did you stop rooting for this guy?


Why was she so horrible to her friends?


Bro doesn’t know 💀💀💀
