My dad the proud Boy Scout and his dad on the marble steps of their Baltimore home in about 1936

Read also:

David Duchovny and The Enigma; X-Files episode “Humbug” in 1994.


Bonnie Raitt around 1975

Blues rock goddess from my youth


My grandparents wedding photo from 1942

My grandparents Harriet Stevenson and Harry Ruley on their wedding day on January 1st 1942. Since they didn’t want to be Harry and Harriet my grandmother went by Steve most of her life. Great people.


Electric Light Orchestra (1973)


My paternal grandparents. Digital pic of original photo. No date shown on back but my best guess is late 1940s - early 1950s.


My great-grandmother Anna as a beautiful bridesmaid in the 30's.


My grandparents on their wedding day, April 1951.


Nehru, first prime minister of India with Gandhi, 1946 (in color)


My grandma at 16, right before her wedding: today would have been her 100th birthday. Grampa went off to war at 17, so she worked in a steel mill making airplane wings to keep busy.


My great grandparents, my great grandaunt and a bunch of bathing buddies. (1916). This picture was in bad shape having been kept in a suitcase in a damp basement since the 60s. It and the other 300 pictures were almost faded to blank. Photoshop does wonders.
