Inflation is rise in prices due to what people are willing to pay for goods and services.

Read also:

Australia has just passed a bill that protects gig workers

The Labour Party in Australia has proposed and passed a new bill the adds extensive protection and support for gig workers including minimum standards for; pay, penalty rates, superannuation, payment terms, record keeping, insurance and deactivation.


What the fuck


What a useful response.

This individual specified a building that did not exist and did not reply until after I had dropped the order off despite me and door dash support attempting to contact them. It may look like a discrepancy with the time but I had bad cell service and it took a couple minutes to finally complete. When they did finally respond (after it was dropped off) they specified the same info that was already in the app. Like thank you that’s so helpful!


Would y’all lift 10 cases plus other items of water for $19.50/9mi?

Didn’t check the address but most people in my area live in APARTMENTS so you’d probably have to lift it up flight of stairs…one by one lol. 💪


Who is "they"? I placed the order🤨

Had some stuff sent to someone elses house and asked the dasher if they could just ring the door bell so whoever was home could know it arrived as they are not the one receiving the doordash notifications and got this very rude response. Immediately reported them and had customer support remove the very generous tip I gave them. All I asked was for them to press a button🤷🏽‍♀️


just wanted to share my own shitty tattoo


Cat's dead let's cum on it


What you guys think about this? (artist made exactly what I wanted, and I love it)


Real boy?


My brothers tattto after 1 month got alot of attention on TikTok so decided to post here
