Your eyes can deceive you, don't trust them.

Read also:

Built our second raised bed out of scrap materials

Red cabbage, white cabbage, broccoli & pointed cabbage. Total costs for the build: € 0,-!


Log splitter drills

I'm wondering if these are actually worth it? I can't afford a hydraulic splitter yet, but doing everything with axe is taking an long time. Has anyone used one of these? Strengths? Weaknesses?


Apple trees dying in august

Some I planted last year, some this year. Over the month of august I’ve had 4 trees die. They all looked healthy and doing well then within the span of the week, all leaves went brown with only the lowest leaves showing some green. Any ideas? It was a very wet august. Zone 5b. Ontario, Canada.


Warning: Chicken in boiled egg pic

Hey all hope you are having a lovely day! We have been buying free range eggs from a local homestead for sometime now(around 5 months). We had no problems until summer time wherein some eggs(key word: some) after boiling would be very watery. We were told this is because of the summer heat. Some eggs were overheated I guess. Mind you.. I always do the water test so I know the eggs are fresh and we didn’t have problems until the summer heat. This time around some eggs were perfect while a few wouldn’t boil meaning they came out watery again so we had to toss them. And then I boiled the egg above and cracked it open and found a chicken in it. I took a photo and sent it to the homestead. I spoke to my father since he was raised on a farm and he’s convinced the lady is not checking her eggs and is allowing them to be out in the field for too long. What says you? I wanted to give this lady another chance but food is expensive and I do not like tossing eggs out that I’m paying for. Thank you!


To clear small trees or not to clear …

I keep reading that arborists say to clear smaller trees from under canopy so that the forest is healthier. But then others say “never cut a live tree!” What is everyone’s thoughts / experiences?


What's your favorite spot on your property?

Sitting at my favorite spot, reflecting on the day, I realized that it's absolutely insane that I have a whole list of favorite spots on my property. That realization really hit home. Considering most of my friends and family don't even have a single favorite spot, I'm feeling blessed. So, what's your favorite spot? Love to see some pictures!


QUESTION: Grass Storage

We are turning this old dock cover into our winter grass storage. The tarp that covers the entirety of it (top and all 4 sides) is black on one side and silver in the other. Which side should we have facing in & out? Black absorbs heat, so the worry is about spontaneous combustion. Thoughts?

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