Home (Pixar, 2015) producers were funded by the CIA to portray an alien invasion of Earth as benign and without grave consequences such as a mass extinction. A human and an alien even become friends. They hope this movie will lessen panic when the public is notified of the upcoming invasion of Earth

Read also:

In "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker," Rey states that her name is "Rey Skywalker." This goes against the sentiment of "Don't be afraid of who you are" which is repeated throughout the movie, thus making it a subtle nod to how the sequels go against all Star Wars.


In Gerald’s Game (2017) Carel Struycken was out sick on a crucial day of filming, luckily an unnamed director saved the shoot by being able to improv the scene


In Mulan (1998), Eddie Murphy voices a dragon, later in Shrek (2001), he voices a donkey who fucks a dragon, this is a reference to Eddie Murphey once being told to go fuck himself


The Office (2005) could not be made today because it was made in 2005. Also it is a TV Show


In The Flash (2023), DONT SAY IT


In The Flash (2023), Barry lives in an apartment without paying any rent, which is a reference to how this movie lives rent-free in r/shittymoviedetails posters' brains.


I'm just saying, that the two alternative jurors who get excused at the beginning of 12 Angry Men must have been confused as fuck when they read the papers the next day.


In One Piece (2023), Usopp constantly lies to the public for attention. This is a reference to shitty VTubers trauma dumping on Twitter and in random Discord servers. Literally nobody asked you.


In 2002 Spider-Man Peter Parker sells his photos to the Daily Bugle, the main media that is responsible defamation of his alter ego instead of trying to find a less toxic newspaper. This is an insight to Spiderman's self destructive nature, and he is a menace to society this piece of scum!


In The Flash (2023) there is a sexy guy cooking. I dunno why.
