One more sleep til Earnings 😴 See y’all in the morn 🫡

Read also:

Loved that juicy dip before earnings🤤 Hype for tomorrow 🚀


69% Short volume on a Nice green day!!! NICE


Either I'm living in a dream world, or the financial media is. We're gonna find out who.


Infinite hype loop continues


I am amped up for earnings, suspect a slight beat; y'all are getting weird around here, while I am Zen!


As a fellow shareHODLer of the largest video game retailer in the world, I am a fan of this price point for the next chapter of one of the most anticipated video game franchises that has ever existed.

GTA 6 is rumored to cost $150 per copy.


Just a quick sketch inspired by Paris Paloma’s new song “as good a reason”. Please give it a listen!


Lily of the valley, but with GHOSTS

🥰 A friend tagged me in a post featuring this plant, and I IMMEDIATELY ran to Etsy and found the pattern (by @mrscrowlet). And here we are 🌿 I did make some changes to the pattern, I used plastic grid material to create stability in a terra cotta pot for hidden storage instead of crocheting the pot as well. If anyone is interested, I am willing to take commissions for this (or anything else crocheted) 🥰


hi friends! sharing some new stickers added to my shop this week💖


I wanted to share this necklace I made 🍄 Genuine multicolored tourmaline beads & sterling silver

Made with love in a swamp in Louisiana 🐊
