Heil spez

Read also:

Hee-hee heil spez


Heil spez


Praise spez


Not too shabby for 22 hours I’m liking this place


All Numbers Aren’t Created Equally

There's a post that's about 8 hours old on here about someone getting tipped $100 on a $37 bill. Everyone is saying that OP forged it because the 'zeros aren't the same.' So, I decided to post my back-to-back $100 tips I received, although the tabs are much higher than $37. I just want to show people that not all zeros or numbers are created equally, and not everyone's handwriting is as consistent as this page makes it out to be.


Coworker and I got slammed last night (Labor Day in US) and this is what some jerkhole left

Like I'm sorry you decided to come in to a restaurant cause you don't want to cook on your day off and it was slammed cause everyone else had the same plan. You poor thing not getting a smile because we're thinking about serving you(on a holiday with no holiday pay!!!) rather than how much we're smiling


I don’t know where else to post this, this is my restaurants ice machine. Is that mold?


How would you go about this?

I honestly don’t really know what to make of this other than putting it as a $7.00 tip.


Does this check makes sense?

The place I worked change from daily tip out to bi weekly checks where they pay hours + credit card tips owed, also the cash tips tab which they don’t owed but still tax me on it say I took over 700 on cash during that period which I’m sure I didn’t, where that number came from? Is just an estimate they do to their convenience? I even got less than what they owed me


“A labor day tale”

We charged their phones at the bar. Kitchen kindly split their pasta dish into 2 plates. They stayed 2 hours and then💀💀 INSANE…
