went tubing in nc

i went tubing in North Carolina and found this in my bathing suit after. if you could tell me what this is that would be greatly appreciated

Read also:

What kind of bug is this, found him in my kitchen


Flying beast assassinated my roommate

Small coward bit (?) my roommate. Southern US. Flying ant? Maybe? Looks like termite slightly. Maybe. Help.



My fiancé thinks it’s a brown recluse. Following this photo being taken this one trapped themselves in another spider’s web and is now dinner. Nature is metal.


Saw this on my banana in Albuquerque New Mexico, what is it?



Found on a (clean) q-tip on my desk near my PC tower


Giant moth found north of Ottawa Ontario

Curious how common these are and what it is?


[Southern California] What kind of bow legged critter do we have here?


Found this crawling on my bed. Western Australia

Can y’all tell me what this is?


Does anyone know what these are(NYC)

I found like 10+ of these in my bathroom sink. As far as I know no food or anything have been dispose of in the sink beside toothpaste. I don't know where they are coming from. Are they something I should be worried about?


Any idea what this is? I’ve never seen a bug like this before. Sorry I killed it, it was running across my ceiling late at night and looked like it had a giant stinger but maybe that’s just an ovipositor?

Found in an apartment in central Tennessee, USA
