The last picture ever taken of volcanologist David Alexander Johnston 13 hours before being killed by the eruption of Mount St. Helens. (198

Read also:

Mother helping her son through a tough level in Super Mario Land on Gameboy from 1989.


The Raleigh Radiotelephone Chopper Bicycle being demonstrated for the Ideal Home Exhibition at Olympia, London, March 1971. Colorized.


Found while emptying the family house; my parents, somewhere in the early 80's.


My Great Grandparents in Sicily shortly before embarking on their journey to Ellis Island. (Early 1900s).


The only way to explain the 1970's to today's kids is visually


Mom and Aunt 1958...

My mom (left) and my Aunt as teenagers in Clovis, New Mexico. This photo was taken by the local photographer who hung it in his window to get more business. When he passed away, his family gave the photo to my grandfather.


Jello Biafra. Frontman for three Dead Kennedys. Early 1980's.


1987 was a magical year for pop music, 1987


Birthday Boy Freddy Mercury - Early 1980's


Sicilian Great Grandparent’s son, Alfonso, marrying my grandmother in St. Louis (1950s). I would be deeply indebted to anyone that could colorize this for me!

I just posted about my Great Grandparents, I figured I’d post a picture of their son (my grandpa) on his wedding day. Sorry for the multiple posts, been really getting into genealogy lately!
