Colin Firth as Alfred in the DCU? Kingsman showed he could pull off being a badass English butler

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Saw a meme and was inspired to make it into this


Movie belt (in progress)

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My Grails from both figure eras

I also have both the mafex Catwoman and the Kenner Catwoman. Just waiting for the kenner one to arrive.


Batman shows up in Poison Ivy #14 Review at (71) in video. What did you think?


How would you guys feel about Todd Phillips Joker being set in Matt Reeves The Batman universe?

Not saying it is, it wouldn't make a lot of sense with how timelines play out in each film, but let's just say this version of the Joker found his way into The Batman universe. Would you be down with that?


Night Cries is so touching yet dark. Made me tear up a bit. Great art too

It really got to me a couple times. At first looking at this cover it just seems very artistc. When you get the context of the book it turns incredibly fucking sad and depressing. It was quite a rollercoaster of emotion for a short 90 pages. Idk if this is considered canon or not but if it is, I feel terrible for Bruce. As if he doesn't have enough baggage as is. Now he always hears the nightcries too. And he can't do anything about it. I've really developed a taste for these grounded Batman stories where he solves actual crime and his rogues are not involved. I saw quite a bit of parallels between this Batman & Battinson too. To the point I started reading his lines in his voice. I always love how Batman comics can have this somber and ever present feeling of melancholy to them. In this comic they really emphasized on it with the blue colors ever present in evert page. Man I love me some watercolor/acrylic painted comics.


Thoughts on the Batman/ Wolverine fusion Dark Claw? Would make a cool animated movie/ anime series


Helena adverts Bruce about "one hell of an argument" with Selina - Justice Society of America #6


Monty got a good one!

Bit of a pane but quite smashing none the less


Shared facilities rant

Locker room floor at 333 Collins street. Do you think your mum works here? That you’re at a hotel? Screw everybody else using the showers, some building worker will pick up your dirty towel eh? On the really low off chance that you see this I want you to know you’re a cunt. Thanks for coming to my Thursday morning inspirational talk.
