Would it be possible to restore this photo of my boyfriend's dad? He never got to meet him and doesn't have many photos of his younger days. Can tip $15

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Please photo shop the cars out. There is a gravel drive way under the cars. I will tip $5


Will tip anyone who can remove the car in the background and put the horse’s right ear forward. TIA! 😊


Can anyone make the whole picture black and white, but leave the person in the center colorized? So it’s just the orange and black guy on the black and white background


Is it possible to remove the thumb blur in this photo? Would be greatly appreciated if anyone is able— not sure if doable. TIA.


Looking to get the couple behind us removed, maybe that towel on the seat too


Can y’all make it look like she is running from something lol? I’d love to see what you guys come up with.


Had an idea for a cool image can someone take this skyline of Galaxy’s Edge but make the sky all red and dark like the Upside Down from Stranger Things??


Could someone please help me cut away the persons hand from my dog? Im trying to up her on a pillow as a gift


Can anyone take the scissors off my lap and his belt/blanket off his waist? Mr and my grandmother were the caretaker of my grandfather for the last 2 years. He suffered from dementia and it rapidly progressed in the last few months. He passed over this morning. I cannot tip at the moment with cost


Could someone remove the wrinkles from the white dress shirt? Will tip $15 USD.
