Need to extract the logo and remove the word burger bonus points if you can do different color combos and thicken the outline

Read also:

Wife loves this photo of us but hates that my phone is in my hand could someone remove it? Will tip.


Can anyone clean this up, complete his body, and give it a nice scene in a forest or somewhere beautiful? Possibly give him lil Angel wings? 25$


Went on a vacation to South Africa and took this lovely picture ♥. I would love to have this as my phone background but the fence is kind of ruining it 😢. It would be lovely if somebody could photoshop the fence away. If that's possible.


Is anyone able to straighten my little man's tie and tidy up the leaves on the ground for $5?


My siblings think their apartment is haunted for various reasons. They kept hearing knocking today with nobody around and so they put the bird cam in the hallway. Could someone edit something realistic and supernatural to scare them? $5 tip


NSFW REQUEST: Posting for a friend- Could someone please remove the extremely enthused masked individual from the background?


Client is asking for this adjustment: I want to bring them all much closer together (cutting the overall width of the shot down by a fourth or more). I'm running behind and need help with this. Will donate to the cause, of course! Im not good enough to do that. Can provide PSD file if needed.


can someone remove all that rubbish


LinkedIn pic please ! More appropriate background and possibly make it not look like a selfie…sorry can’t tip ☹️


Can anyone remove the letters in the bottom right? I’m using this as a wallpaper and it annoys me.
