Rare Footage of an Indonesian Migrant trying his best to assimilate into German Society.

Read also:

Time to double dutch on land reclamation!

The stingy and brash Dutch have pissed off lots of people this Summer: from being voted worst tourists by the French to literally taking dumps on Spaniards! They even rallied all Nordics against them, a feat not observed since Ragnar Lothbrok. The cheeseheads have come home to roost and on behalf of all our euro frenemies France shall launch a full-scale invasion across the Belgian Sea. Once the entire swamp is ours, we’ll gladly trade all areas north of the Rhine against your best offer: Rhineland, Piedmont, Romandie… you name it! To sweeten the deal, we’ll throw in all former Dutch colonies minus St Martin Sud. Rest assured everyone, we’ll reinstate Luxembourg sovereignty for ~~tax optimization~~ humanitarian reasons. As for the remaining swamp Germans, Flemish leviathans and Walloon mermaids they shall be assimilated to the art de vivre à la française, which they ignorantly glimpsed through their caravan. Those resisting francisation shall be banished to the [Île du diable](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devil's_Island?wprov=sfti1) or 'Murica, whichever scares you most.


Do Nordics have a France/England relationship with Denmark? Or is Danish that bad, ive never met one.


Every European city

“Free society”


Answers on a postcard please


Probably 90% of this sub can agree


Dutch Hospital takes political standpoint

My Dutch hospital is been clear about the illegal British occupation of the northern counties of Ireland. They simple refuse to recognise it.


Most extreme separatists

Unspunnenfest is a festival held in the town of Interlaken, Switzerland, near the old ruin of Unspunnen Castle, in the Bernese Alps, approximately once every twelve years, most recently in 2017. The festival highlights traditional Swiss culture and features competitions of Steinstossen (stone throwing), Schwingen (wrestling) and yodeling.


The launch of London-Paris Eurostar route in 1994 was the culmination of decades of British-French cooperation and friendship. To cement the friendship the Brits chose Waterloo station as the route's London terminus.


Guy on the left looks like he's just finished taking a crap ..


Germans, explain yourselves

How do you go from consistently making the top three in the world cup to ranking below Switzerland, Mexico, and worst of all, the Americans (who can't even call football by its proper name)? What happened?
