I took this (almost) perfect photo of my dog, but the tag for his bandana is showing!! Is there any way someone can edit that out??

Read also:

Could someone please make a vintage horror movie poster of my cat called “The Chonk” (inspired by The Thing/Godzilla)


Open to whatever you want - but I’d like my dog to be a powerful spirit of some kind. He looks like he’s meditating to me. Enjoy


Can you edit this photo into a professional headshot? Less busy background and more modest top. $10 my fav.


Could anyone add realistic lightning effects to this photo? Can’t pay since I’m still a student but I’ll appreciate the help!!


In-laws are celebrating 50th years. MIL requests, “Would u mind asking Reddit to restore this picture, crop out the candles on both sides & remove Jesus' feet from the background? Thank you! ” Also please increase resolution if able. 5$ for chosen. TIA


Can you photoshop out the girl in pigtails (and expand the image slightly if possible) $10


Favourite pic of my Daughter, would greatly appreciate some help with deblurring image, Thanks in advance…


I really need a nice pic of me and unfortunately this is all I’ve got. Please edit the background to somewhere nice and realistic. Thank you and i will tip


Tip remove the two person from the right and leave the one on the left


Can you please colorize this photo for me? Will pay $5
