How much different would Reconstruction have been had Lincoln lived?

Read also:

TIL: Former President Jimmy Carter is related to Berry Gordy Founder of Motown. Their grandfathers were half brothers. Gordy's grandfather was the son of a slave master and a slave and Carter's grandfather was the son of the slave master and his wife.


Should the term limit be larger than 2?

Me personally, I think the term limit should be extended to 3 terms. Like, FDR being elected 4 times was a bit much I will admit. But at the same time, he got a lot done. I feel like other presidents like TR should be able to get 3 terms (wether the public elects them is entirely up to them however).


President William McKinley with his wife Ida on the Great Gorge Railroad between Lewiston, New York and Niagara Falls; hours before he’d be shot in the Temple of Music at the Pan-American Exposition (September 6, 1901)


Reagan just wants to grill ♨️


Underrated, Overrated, Properly Rated - Andrew Jackson


Why did Andrew Johnson and his wife have four children very quickly, but the youngest was born almost 20 years after the previous child?


Was Polk right to re establish the independent treasury?


What's the cringiest Dubya moment that made you drop your face right into your hands?


Do you think that Susan Rice would be a better pick for Biden in 2020 ?


You have been challenged to a larger ice cream collage of a President.
